Should Marketers Worry about Intelligent Tracking Prevention in the new OSX?

Marketing & Advertising, Technology & Innovation

In the beginning of June 2017 on Apple WWDC 2017, Apple just introduced a huge load of new things. One thing I found interesting is a new feature on Safari browser which will come with a new OSX High Sierra, Intelligent Tracking Prevention. For a rough explanation, it protects users from getting tracked while they enjoy browsing on Safari.

Sounds good for the user, but how about marketer?

Since this day, many sites employ Re-targeting Advertising, what should we do if one day this feature becomes a new standard for the browser?


How does Retargeting Advertising work?

Making it easier to understand, I should start with a demonstration on how Re-targeting Advertising work. This started with two sites, at least. One is a normal site and the other one is an advertising site, having an advertising display on its site. When users visit a normal site, they will obtain a tagging data called ‘’Cookie’ which contains various user information including Setting, Activity, and Password for instance. This Cookie helps the site to recognise new and revisiting users. When a normal site becomes an advertising partner with an advertising site, the site will be embedded with a code that will drop a tracking cookie which contains the data about the content of the site and user activity on the site. This cookie will be recognised by an advertising site, which the site will assume that users interested in this particular content and provide an advertisement based on their interest. This method is far better than traditional method since users are exposed to an advertisement relevant to their interest, which believes to be an improved advertising experience.

Then the next question will be How Intelligent Tracking Prevention will affect this process?


How does Intelligent Tracking Prevention work?

Intelligent Tracking Prevention is a machine learning program that can protect users from getting tracked. It learns from user behaviours to differentiate and identify an advertisement tracking cookie from a normal web cookie. After that, it will continuously purge that advertisement tracking cookie. This means users will be protected from tracking cookie generated by an advertising site. This sounds like the end for marketers using re-targeting advertising. However, it’s not all about bad. If users regularly visit any advertising site, the program will treat tracking cookies from that site differently. By regularly visiting an advertising site, the program will assume that users are interested in that site and don’t feel disturbed from being exposed to an advertisement from that site. So, the program will allow the tracking cookie to work for 24 hours after the most recent visit before temporarily block that tracking cookie. This means if users regularly visit any particular advertising site within 24 hours, tracking cookie can still track them. Even users have stopped visiting the site for 24 hours, the tracking cookie won’t be completely deleted immediately. In fact, it will be blocked for 30 days, without further visiting, before permanently deleted. This clearly means that a popular advertising site, such as Facebook and Google, are less likely to be affected by this feature since they can attract users to regularly visit their sites. While many small providers are likely to affected by this new feature.


More detail about Intelligent Tracking Prevention can be found on Apple WebKit blog.

How far should marketers concern about this?

Considering this circumstance, this might not be that much worrisome as we though. Because, this feature will be available only on Desktop Version of Safari which, according to, Safari contributes around 5% of the global desktop browser. In mobile browser market, Safari gains around 20% of the market but the number keep going down year by year. On the other hands, the major browser on both desktop and mobile platform, Google Chrome, prefer to pursue a better browsing experience by raising advertising standard and eliminate intrusive advertisement.

Statista-Global Desktop Browser Market Share

Statista-Global Mobile Browser Market Share

Final Thought

This feature can bother only a marketer or small advertising site with really niche audiences, using Safari Desktop as their main communication channel. Besides, it’s less likely to become a new standard for browser too since other major browsers seek different methods.

What do you think about this? Feel free to comment and discuss.

A new kind of human specie called ‘Camera Man’.


     Since 2009, Apple introduced the first iPhone, camera have been perceived as an essential part of every smart phone. None smart phone has been sold without camera. It has transformed digital environment all around the world. Sharing has been enhanced. As we all know that only one picture can tell the whole story. People share their experience by taking a picture, or video, and upload it on their social media sites which is easier than writing one paragraph story. Typically people tend to share content related to their daily basis, well decorated lunch or impressive gift for instance. However some people seem to be addicted to this activity. Despite the situation needs their participation in term of help, car accident or  bullying for instance, they still consider taking a picture or video as the first priority.

     The term of the word ‘Camera man’ in this post is different from the term of the word ‘Camera man’ that we usually use to explain a person who responsible for taking pictures or videos in the media industry. ‘Camera man’ in this post defines an individual who does not work as professional journalism but like to produce contents even in inappropriate situation. For example In a situation of car accident, this kind of people prefer to produce contents than help.

     An existence of ‘Camera man’ is a byproduct of combination between digital camera and smartphone. It has been enhanced by  User generated content phenomenon, Culture of sharing and Social support.

     Digital cameras enhances people to gain power on digital environment. It has been accessible for them to express their opinion and attitude. As mentioned by Niroshan(2009), Technology is one essential factors enhance users to generate their own contents. Developing in consumer electronic goods, digital cameras and high-speed internet for instance, converges our life and digital in term of accessibility. 50 years ago, create and publish contents were responsibility for professional journalists. However, since consumer electronic devices were developed, consumers have occupied the power back. Monopoly power in media environment has been gradually destroyed, anyone with digital camera can produce contents.

     Combining between digital camera and mobile encourage sharing culture. Previously, the bridge connecting between producing and sharing content was rugged. People can easily create contents by using digital cameras. However, the process of sharing contents was not convenient like today, despite the fact that social media has been exited. Contents have to be transferred to computer then shared on social media. Combining between mobile phone and camera, to be smart phone, enhance sharing culture. While creating contents and sharing are one, ‘Camera man’ is born.

     In addition, supporting from digital population encourages ‘Camera man’.  Many people consume and support this contents as an entertainment. Providing a good feed back toward contents  means supporting.

      However, it’s difficult to judge that being ‘Camera man’ is good or bad. Some people may say that taking video or picture doesn’t make situations get better, participating and helping are useful. On the other hands, Some people may argue that ‘Camera man’ can fulfil tasks those professional journalists can’t do, many situations occur in the place and time that journalists can’t reach.

From meme to daily life, “Yellow shirt” and “Red shirt”.


     Further than desired travel destinations, Thailand is also well known by the political conflict. This conflict has produced many political memes. The well known one is “Yellow shirt” and “Red shirt”. Both of them are a symbol of 2 different groups of protestors. Further than the movement, an interesting phenomenon has been existed, yellow and red coloured shirts are avoided to wear in daily life. This piece of writing will examine the reason that “Yellow shirt” and “Red shirt” memes become a part of daily life.


     In late 2005, the first group of protestor was established, People’s Alliance of Democracy. A massive group of people, majority of them live in Bangkok, gathered with an attempt to move the prime minister, at that time was Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra, out of his position. Initially they didn’t adopt anything as a symbol to represent their group. After the group was enlarged by many people joining the group, the group began to use the symbol. It chose a yellow coloured shirt to be a symbol of the group.

    The yellow coloured shirt, as a symbol, means loyalty to the King Bhumibol Adulyadej. Back then in 2006, Thailand had the massive celebration for the king, 60th Anniversary Celebrations of Bhumibol Aduljadej. The main colour that was mainly used is yellow. The objective of the protest, which was claimed by the leaders of protestor, was to make the country better by eliminating corruption for their king. The yellow coloured shirt, hence, was employed as a symbol of the protester group and became the well know “Yellow shirt” protestor.

     On the other hand, a group of movement supporting Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra joined together as the red shirt protestor. In order to fight against yellow shirt group, the group of people supporting Mr. Thaksin was established as the United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship. The purpose of this movement, which was claimed by the group leader, was fighting against dictatorship and obviously supporting Mr Thaksin. The group purposely employed “Red” as a symbol of the movement. Due to the meaning of red on the National flag of Thailand, red is referred to the country. Moreover, the group intend to wear red coloured shirt in order to show that they are rival of the yellow shirt group. Finally, this becomes the “Yellow shirt” and “Red shirt” meme.

A brief story of “Yellow shirt” and “Red shirt”. :

After a long time of fighting between two groups, the memes, “Yellow shirt” and “Red shirt”, have been transferred to be an aspect in daily life. Since 2006 thai people have avoided to wear yellow or red coloured shirt in public area until now. Even particular event or celebration, yellow and red still be the last option for people to choose. The reason that these memes cause impact on society is an aspect of itself.

     First of all, shirt, as a meme, is easily applied to an aspect of daily basis. Shirt is a thing that certainly presents several details of an individual, social class, style, attitude for instance. Moreover, it also be a tool for individuals to express themselves. Moreover, “Yellow shirt” and “Red shirt ” are wisely chose to be a group symbol, due to the reason of clearly expression. People can only wear a yellow or red coloured shirt in order to express their political attitude. Therefore, yellow shirt and read shirt meme can be easily transferred to daily life.

     People avoid wearing yellow and red shirt by the reason of safety concern. These memes aren’t only a symbol of protestor, but also be a symbol of violence. Conflicts among two groups of supporter have been occurred through out the country. Some of them turned to be violence fighting among supporters.These enhance people to connect the protestor and violation. Moreover, people who intend to wear yellow or red shirt are perceived as a hard core supporter, who don’t hesitate to fight with their opponent. Hence, all kind of meme related to protest is avoided.


     Since 2006, political instabilities have been occurred many times along with many political memes. Some of them were forgotten by time. On the other hand, some of them have been developed but still existed until now. The memes “Yellow shirt” and “Red shirt” are an example of the meme that can affect daily routine of thai people. They were established 8 years ago. They have been gradually infected to daily life, thai people have avoided to wear yellow or red coloured shirt until now.

Smartphone, more flexible life.


     10 years ago was a golden age of feature phone, which refer to a mobile phone that has limited abilities. According to definition, feature phone is a mobile phone with abilities for voice calling, text messaging , multimedia playing and internet surfing. At that time, several scholars mentioned its meaning toward social culture in various way. As a tool that can connect individuals together, as a tool that can obscure the boundaries of time and place for instance. However, after the first iPhone has been introduced since 2007 by Apple. The definition of mobile phone, which is currently called smartphone, toward social culture is developed.


Feature phone definition :

Due to the definition, smartphone is an advance mobile phone which is including computer features. Considering feature of smartphone now a day, it has been developed far away from its ancestors. It can respond to various tasks, by installing applications, as users require it to do. Furthermore, it can roughly learn how its users behave and analyse data which has been collected from user, in order to provide the most suitable solution for users. Smartphones can perform as small size computer which flexibility for users.

Smartphone definition :

As mentioned before that applications can support smartphone to perform in many tasks, working flexibility is enhanced. Some applications function as managing working document, create, edit and review for instance. These allow individuals to have portable workplace, which have been strict to unmovable desk for long time. This can be inferred that working routine would not range from 8 am to 5 pm anymore. People can answer emails, contact their clients while they are waiting for a coffee. Anytime and anywhere can be workplace.

On the other hand, this benefit is also turned to be challenge. In the time people are not strict with working routine, their working routine are expected to be 24 hrs 7 days instead. Although they get an email form clients during their weekend, they are expected to respond immediately or as soon as possible. This can be inferred that work life balance is changed, working and leisure are blended together. The smartphone which is utilised in this way is defined as OHS(Office-Home smartphone), smartphone devices that can be used for work purposes but also for personal purposes 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


     According to the research, it indicates that OHS which is provide flexibility and efficiency for working can increase work overload, by the reason of flexibility. Research respondents mention that OHS allows them to do their work anywhere and anytime which result in effectively working, but it means they are able to be assigned more work. Further more, it also affects work-life balance which results in increasing of stress.

A New Open Door: The Smartphone’s Impact on Work-to-Life Conflict, Stress, and Resistance. (

    Not just only flexible workplace that smartphones can provide, which turns to be negative effect for users, smartphone also provide flexible entertainment. As we all know that smartphone technology has been productively developed for several years. Many entertainment features are included in palm hand size devices, music, movie and game for instance. Users can access to all these entertainment any time and any where they want. However, it can be argued that feature phones have an entertainment function as well. Considering many smartphones would show that entertainment functions in smartphone go beyond feature phone so far. Due to the reason of developed hardware and software which support smartphone to perform.

     In conclusion, we can see that smartphone can enhance flexibility which go further than feature phone have done. It allows individuals to do many things which, in past, they have had to sit in particular place and do. We can read some news, even we are walking to a classroom. We can watch a movie, even we are waiting for a bus.

Facebook messenger App raises users privacy concern.



     On last month( August 2014), All Facebook mobile user was given a message which requires them to download the Facebook messenger application, separated from Facebook mobile, otherwise they would not be able to use messaging function in Facebook mobile. This application asks a permission to access several user’s private areas, contact list, calendar and phone memory for instance. This requirement causes many criticism from a number of users.

Here is the list of requirement that the application asks for permission to access.

1. Identity ( Find and read contact in your device)

2. Contacts/Calendar (Read you contact)

3. Location (Identify your location on network based or GPS network based)

4. SMS (Be able to edit, read, receive and send you text message, including SMS and MMS)

5. Phone (Be able to directly call phone number and read phone log)

6. Camera/Microphone (Be able to take a picture and video, and record audio)

7. Wi-Fi connection information (View Wi-Fi connection)

8. Device ID&Call Information (Be able to read device status and ID)

9. Other

     You can see full detail of requirement here (For Android). However, I have to say sorry for iPhone user that I can’t access to Term&Agreement of this application on iOS platform.

     This application offends many users by the reason that it intervenes user personal area, Personally identifying information(PII). This is an information that can be used to identify and individual, for example contact list and location. People believe that Facebook would collect this information and sell it to business companies or government organisations. Furthermore, the issue is exaggerated by user’s belief that their SMS and MMS can be accessed and edited, their devices can be hacked and call to somebody, and their device camera can be activated without their permission. Users concerning are driven by anxiety.

     On the other hands, Facebook announced their explanation toward this concerning. Firstly, about requirement on android platform, it mentioned that this requirement, which is used by almost android application, does not reflect the way Facebook do. Secondly, All these required permission would enhance features in the application and create the best experience for users. For example the application access to user’s contact list in order to allows users to add their phone contact as messenger contact.

     This concerning is heightened by leaked information about NSA surveillance program on last year, consumer’s trust toward Facebook is reduced. On june 2013, Edward Snowden released the information that american people, and other countries, are observed by NSA surveillance program. This phenomenon also provoked privacy concern toward several giant technology companies, which is including Facebook. Despite an effort to declare that they prioritise user privacy trust toward brand is in danger.


     This issue, however, may not strongly impact a number of Facebook user. Many people are concerning about privacy of their online information. Many people are, on the other hands, still disclosing their personal information on social media, especially teenagers who don’t perceive this issue as a problem. This situation is called privacy paradox. Facebook, hence, may be affected by this problem, but the damage may not be considerable.

     Facebook messenger application, which mobile users are forced to install, raises privacy on many Facebook users. They concern about Term&Agreement of this application which requires a permission to access personal area of users, contact list for instance. Even Facebook attempts to explain the appropriate reason to its users, user’s attitude still be difficult to change. Nevertheless, this issue does not cause severe damage to Facebook, by the reason of privacy paradox.

Pasit Sararueangpong

An impact of Virtual Reality(VR) technology to Social network.


Hello everybody.

Two weeks ago I found one interesting piece of news from BBC technology. Let’s check this out.

This is a project that aims to employ Virtual Reality(VR) technology to creates a new experience of watching news.

Moreover, I have a second video to show you. This one is OCULUS, a goggle device that can bring you to VR world. It’s not a fake or just only science fiction gadget anymore. 

What is OCULUS?

     It’s formal name is OCULUS Rift. This is the goggles device, which is developed by Oculus VR company in California,USA. It can create a stereoscopic 3D view, which deploys the same mechanism of real eye watching. Moreover, it has a motion sensor to detect you face movement and sync this data with an image perspective of your goggles. However, if you want to get full experience of VR, you are required to buy one more high power computer and movement sensor. It obviously does not seems to be a device for everyone at this time.

More detail :


What is Virtual Reality (VR)?

     Virtual Reality is defined in several definitions. One definition for Virtual Reality is defined by Jonathan Steuer, Stanford University, the particular system which includes computer for real-time animation processing, a set of wired gloves and movement tracker working as a controller, and big goggles with stereoscopic display. Other definition illustrates that VR technology is a space which is created by computer program  and make individuals perceive that they are in particular immersive space. From several definitions, VR technology includes virtual place, goggle device which allow user to see virtual place and movement sensor to detect user movements.

How can VR impact Social network?

     VR can enhance social network experience by allowing users to have an engagement further than past. Normally communication on social network relies on several kinds of media, video, picture or text for instance. These allow users to be only watcher or listener. On the other hand, VR can reach further than that, by expanding user engagement ability. VR would create the second world, which is able to response to users actions,through a particular goggles device. Applying this concept to social network, users would be able to communicate with their friends by body language, rather than only text and voice. They can create and participate virtual physical activities, sports and recreation activities, with their friends which is almost the same as they do in the real world.


     On the other hand, VR also brings challenges to social networks. As we know that virtual world is mainly created by computer program. This means any kind of human identity can be reproduced in the virtual world. It leads to a question related to human identity, Do individuals have right on their real world identity in virtual world? By the reason that real world  identity can be reproduced in virtual world, which means anyone can reproduce other identity in virtual world. To make this idea clearer, imagine that the situation has 2 guys, A and B. Both of them do not know each other. In one day, A creates his virtual avatar by using identity of B, whether it is an accident. Everything that A’s avatar, which is covered by identity of B, do in virtual world can be misleadingly perceived as an action from B, even B does not participate in virtual world at all. In conclusion, identity would be challenging issue from this technology.


Current situation

4 months ago, OCULUS was acquired by social network main player, Facebook. This can be predicted that VR technology will be developed and introduced to social network in up coming future. This emerging can bring benefits and challenges to social network, for both users and service providers. It can create new experience of using social network, enhance user engagement. However, It also raises a question toward virtual identity, which can relate to individual identity in the real world.

Pasit Sararueangpong

I’m addicted to social networks.

MDIA5003, Uncategorized

     When was the last time that you pick your smart phone up and browse  through your social networks, without any particular purpose? How frequently you take a picture of your meal before upload it on your Facebook(or Instagram)?

     Today, social networks are an aspect of our daily life. They provide a space that we can share several stories about our life, upload several pictures from our weekend trip, contact and keep update with our friend. Moreover, They’re a convenient tool to exchange an information, for instance news and promotion, with many people.

     However, nothing is perfect, spending too much time with social network can ruin your life. It’s called ‘social network addiction’.

     What is ‘social network addiction’?

     Due to its informal definition, it explains the habit of excessively using social network, which leads to some problems in your real life. Nevertheless, it isn’t formally defined as medical decease, disorder or even pathological habit. By the reason that It’s difficult to precisely define who is addicted, no one can draw the clear line to separate between addiction and non-addiction. Therefore people can be admitted to be social network addicted when their social network behaviour jeopardise their social life, academic or working performance and recreation activities. Moreover, a research illustrates that social network addiction has a potential in co-occurrence with other excessive sedentary behaviour. For example overeating and over internet using.

social-media-addiction     Who are risky to be addicted?

     According to a research done by Daria and Mark, it mentions that people who has low level of self-esteem or introvert, especially an adolescent, would be easily addicted. By the reason that this group uses social network as a compensation, to fulfil the hole in their social life. Furthermore, they connect feedbacks, received from their social network friends, with their self-esteem. Self esteem will raise when they acquire a positive feedback, comments or ‘like’s. On the other hand, it will fail if they get a negative feedback, ignorance or criticism.

Online Social Networking and Addiction – A Review of Psychological literature by

Daria J. Kuss * and Mark D. Griffiths :


      When people addict to a social networks, their life can be ruined. For example, relationship, academic or working performance. Addicted individuals usually spend enormous amount of time, daily, with their social networks. 24 years old Australian woman claims that she spends 4 hours in each day on her social networks, which ruin her study( Even she doesn’t has anything to post or particular thing to do, she find herself scroll down through her news feed. In addition, a study examining relationship between academic performance and Facebook usage in university students shows that students who get higher score and spend more time with studying do not use social networks, student who is heavy user tend to obtain lower score. By an explanation that student who get lower score may be distracted by social networks when they are studying via an internet.

     Relationships are also broken by this addiction, especially in closed relationship. For instance family, couple or closed friend. Because they spend more time for online, and reduce their time for offline relationship.


     However this addiction can be prevented.

     Firstly, If you have been addicted already, you need to accept the fact that you are addicted to it and desire to quite. This is the most essential part for problem solving.

     Secondly, before logging in to your social network, ask yourself for the reason or purpose of using it. Why do you need to use it? Considering the reason or purpose of each using can prevent you from wasting your time. If you can’t find any reasonable reason for logging in, just leave your devices there.

     Thirdly, estimating the period of time that you plan to achieve your task in social networks. It can prevent you from spend too much time on it.

     Finally, log out from your account after finish your task, in order to remind yourself that your tasks have been done.

If you can’t find any inspiration, perhaps this video can give it to you.

Look up from your phone, shut down the display. ^_^

                     Pasit Sararueangpong.